posted by 방랑군 2010. 2. 4. 10:32

감사합니다. ^^; 모든 구문 정리 다했습니다.

더 이상 한국에서 나오는 시험에 등장하는 구문은 없습니다.

Ⅰ.원급의 관용적 표현

1. as~as S can(=as~as possible)

   He came home as early as he could.

(=He came home as early as possible.)

2. as~as ever(변함없이~하다)

   He looks as depressed as ever.

3. as far as(=so far as)(~하는 한, ~에 관한 한, ~까지)

   As far as I know, he is trustworthy.

   He is not a bad servant, so far as servants go.

   He walked as far as the station.

4. as good as(~나 다름없다)

   He was as good as dead.

5. as long as(=so long as)(~하기만 한다면)

   I will lend you the book as long as you keep it clean.

6. as many(같은 숫자의)

   I made ten mistakes in as many lines.

7. as many again(두 배의 수)                        

   as much again(두 배의 양)

   I have six hear and as many again at home,

   I have as much again as you.

8. as much as to say(~라고 말하는 듯이)

   She looked as much as to say that I was a liar.

9. as often as not(자주, 종종)

   During foggy weather trains are late as often as not.

10. A as well as B(A라기보다는 차라리 B다)

    It was not so much an invitation as a command.

11. as~as anything(매우~하다)

    He is an arrogant as anything.

12. as~as ever lived(매우~하다)

    He is as impudent a man as ever lived.

13. as soon as(~하자마자)

    As soon as I got home, it began to drizzle.

14. go so far as to+R(~하기까지 했다니 놀랍다)

    The owner of the building went so far as to say he was glad it burned down.

Ⅱ. 비교급의 관용적인 표현

1. still more(=much more), still less(=much less)

   He can speak French, much more English.

   He can't speak English, much less French.

   Since he was poor, it was difficult for him to buy a suit, much less have one tailored.

   이들은 하나의 숙어로 기억해야 하며 ‘much more(difficult)'로 연결해서 생각하지 말아야 한다.

2. the+비교급~the+비교급(~하면 할수록 점점 더 ~하다)

   The higher the tree (is), the stronger the wind (is).

   The sooner, the better.

3. not more than (기껏해야, =at most),

   not less than( 적어도 ~이상, =at least),

   no more than (겨우, =only),

   no less than (~만큼, =as much as)

   * not은 강한 부정어이다.

     She is very poor ;she has not more than $500.

     She is very rich ;she has not less than $500.

     He gave me no more than $500.

     He gave me no less than $500.

4. no longer(더 이상 ~아니다, =no more)

  cf. not longer(길이가 더 길지 않다)

   He is no longer a young man.

   This yellow pencil is not longer than that blue one.

5. more or less(다소간)

   She was more or less surprised.

6. no more(더이상 ~아니다)

   If you won't go there, no more will I.

7. no more 원급 than (~나 마찬가지로 ~가 아니다)

   I am no more mad than you (are).

8. A is not B any more than C is (B)

  A is not B any more than C is D  (A가 B가 아닌 것은 C가 (B)D가 아닌 것과 마찬가지다)

   A whale is not a fish any more than a horse is.

   A collection of facts is not science any more than a dictionary is poetry.

9. nothing less than(~정도)

   We expected nothing less than an attack.

10. none the less(그대로 역시)

    I love him none the less his faults.

11. no better than(~나 마찬가지다)

   He's no better than a beggar.

12. more than=over

    More than one year has passed since I saw him.

   * more than one은 단수 취급한다.

13. had better(not)+R [~하는(않는)편이 더 좋겠다]

    You'd better get your car towed.

14. know better than to+R (~할 사람이 아니다)

    I know better than to quarrel.

15. get the better of (이기다)

    My curiosity got the better of me.

16. the former~, the latter~ (전자, 후자)

    The novel was made into a film in 1960 and again in  1968; I prefer the latter version to the former.

17. the latter half (후반부)

    the latter half the nineteenth century

18. better off(잘산다, 형편이 더 좋다),

    worse off(못산다, 형편이 나쁘다)

    You could pay it back afterwards when you are better off.

    This budget would leave taxpayers for worse off.

Ⅲ. 최상급의 관용적인 표현

1. do one's best(최선을 다하다)=do one's utmost

   He did his best, but he still didn't win.

2. at(the)most(기껏해야), at(the)best

   There would be at most twenty students listening.

   At best the proposal was a lame compromise.

3. make the most(best) of (그런대로 ~을 가장 잘 이용하다)

  We should face up to the situation and make the most(best) of it.

4. for the most part (대개는)

   For the most part the students in my class sit in silence.

5. the last man to+R (~할 사람이 아니다)

   He is the last man to feed me a line.

6. not the least bit (조금도 ~않다) =not in the least

   I don't mind in the least.

   She wasn't the least bit jealous.

7. at(the) latest (늦어도)

   I'll see you at five o'clock at the latest.

8. if the worst comes th the worst (사태가 악화되면)

   The situation may improve but if the worst comes to the worst I'll have to sell my car.

9. the last but one (끝에서 두 번째)

   Friday is the last day of the week but one.

10. (the) second(next) best (두 번째, 차선)

    Don't settle for second best.

11. had best+R (~하는게 상책이다)

    You had  best consent.

12. as best one can(may) (되도록 잘)

    Do it as best you can.

13. to the best of one's knowledge (내가 알기로는)

    This is a play which to the best of my knowledge has never been performed in our country.

14. to the best of one's ability (힘이 자라는 데까지, 힘껏)

    I'm here to do my work to the best of my ability.

15. for the best (잘 하느라 성의껏)

    She meant it all for her best.

16. know best (경험이 많아 잘 알고 있다)

    Parents always know best.

17. at (long) last (마침내)

    At (long) last I've found a girl that really loves me.

18. the winter before last(지지난 겨울),

    the year before last(지지난 해),

    the night before last(지지난 밤),

    the president before last(전전번 대통령),

    the election before last(전전번 선거)

19. to the last detail(상세한 세목까지),

    to the last man(최후 일인까지)

    The robbery planned to the last detail. We were ready to fight to the last man.

Ⅵ. 부정사의 관용적인 표현

1. be(feel) inclined to+R

  (~하는 경향이 있다, ~하고 싶은 생각이 들다)

   I feel inclined to enter teaching.

2. be supposed to+R(~하기로 되어 있다 =be expected to+R)

   Many prominent figures are supposed to be at the preview.

3. go to great lengths to+R(온갖 노력을 기울여 ~하다)

  go to every length to+R

   The country is going to great lengths to arrest the inflation.

4. be required+R(~해야 한다)

   We are required to pay taxes to the government.

5. be relieved to+R(~하고 안심하다)

   Jean was relieved to gear that she had been accepted to the university.

6. be determined+R(~할 결심을 하다)

   Jack was determined to quit smoking.

7. be about to+R(막~하려하다)

   Beth was just about to leave when Laura telephoned.

8. go so far as to+R(~조차 하다)

   She went so far as to call her husband names.

9. have no choice but to+R(~하는 수 밖에 없다)

   = There's nothing for it but to+R

   You have no choice but to obey her orders.

10. be likely to+R(~일 듯하다)

  = It is likely that S+V~

    He's likely to be hear so soon.

12. seem to+R(~일 듯싶다)

  =It seems that S+V

   He seems to be all thumbs.(그는 재주가 없는 것 같다.)

13. used to+R(~하곤 했었다)

    He used to drop by my office talk with me about his divorce.

14. know better than to+R(~할 사람이 아니다)

    He knows better than to touch me to the quick.

    (그는 내 감정을 상하게 할 사람이 아니다)

15. It pays to+R(~하는게 이롭다)

    It doesn't pay to+R(~해봤자 이로울게 없다)

    It doesn't pay to dawdle over your homework.

  (숙제하는 일을 꾸물거리고 있어 봤자 이로울게 없다)

16. be hard pressed to+R(~하느라 애를 먹다, ~하기 어렵다)

   Chinese people ae hard pressed to limit their family to one child.

17. bo bound to+R(~하는게 의무이다, ~해야 한다)

    He was bound to obey her orders.

18. serve no other purpose than to+R(유일한 목적이다)

    This novel serves no other purpose than to tickle readers.

Ⅴ. 동명사의 관용적인 표현

1. have difficulty


        a hard time           +(in) ~ing

        a lean time           + with+Noun  (애먹다)

        a difficult time

        a terrible struggle

  He had a hard time(in) balancing his bank account.

  He had a hard time with his bank balance.

2. spend(waste)+시간,돈,노력 + ┌ (in) ~ing

                               └ on+Noun

  (시간, 돈, 노력)을 들였다(허비했다)

  He has spent a lot of time (in) collecting stamps.

  He has spent a lot of time on stamps.

3. be busy (in) ~ing(~하느라 바쁘다)

   Many people are too busy(in) chasing after money.

4. cajole(reason, talk, argue)+Sb.+into~ing(out of~ing)

  (잘 설득해서 ~(못)하게 하다)

  I argued him out of smoking.

  They were cajoled into coming with us.

5. prevent



   prohibit          + Sb. from~ing (~을 못하게 막다)




   Nothing could stop him from being a novelist.

   He restrained his kid from doing mischief.

   The existence of such discrimination may deter more women from seeking work.

6. be addicted to ~ing(or Noun), be given over to ~ing(or Noun)(~에 빠져있다, 골몰하다)

   He is addicted to gambling.

   He is given over to boasting.

7. be acclimated to~ing, be acclimatized to~ing (적응하다)

   Have you become acclimated to living in that city?

8. object to ~ing(=have an objection to ~ing) (반대하다)

   I object to your joining the party.

9. in the act of ~ing, in the middle of ~ing,

   in the midst of ~ing(~하는 중)

   He was apprehended in the act of shoplifting at a department store.

10. in ~ing (=when) (~할 때에)

    Be polite in dealing with others. (Be polite when you deal with others.

11. cannot help ~ing(=cannot+(choose) but+R)

    (=There is noting for it but to+R)

    (=have no choice but to+R) (도저히 하지 않을 수 없다)

    The bus was so crowded that I couldn't help leaning on her a little.

   (The bus was so crowded that I couldn't(choose) but lean on her a little.)

12. want


    require           + ~ing (수동적인 의미)

    bear                (=to be p.p)


   My watch wants repairing.(=My watch wants to be repaired.)

   He deserves helping.(=He deserves to be helped.)

   This cloth will bear washing.

   (=This cloth will bear to be washed.)

13. when it comes to ~ing(~에 대해 말하자면)

    When it comes to eating kimchi that's where I draw the line. (김치에 대해 말하자면 나는 절대로 먹지 않는다.)

    When it comes to asking for a raise, he's no laggard.

14. What do you say to ~ing? (~합시다)

   = Let's+R~ =What do you say+S+V~?

    What do you say to going out for a stoll? (=Let/s go out for a stoll.)

15. confess to ~ing(~를 고백하다)

    He confessed to having extramarital relations with his secretary.

16. go in for ~ing[(취미로, 직업으로) ~을 하다]

    He goes in for growing orchids.

    I thought of going in for teaching.

17. one's skill in ~ing (~하는 기술)

    She's famous for her skill in painting birds in oils.

   * skill to+R(고어체 표현으로 거의 쓰이지 않는다.)

18. be averse to ~ing (~을 싫어하다; 반대하다)

    I'm averse to haggling over a few cents.

19. have no doubt of ~ing (~에 대해 의심치 않는다)

    I have no doubt of her showing up.

20. There is no~ing(=It is impossible to+R)

    (~하는 것은 불가능하다)

    There's no denying that she is a decent lady.

    (=It is impossible to deny that she is a decent lady.)

21. It is no use(good) ~ing(=It is of no use to+R)

    (~해도 소용없다)

    It is no use your worrying about me. (It is of no use for you to worry about me.)

22. of one's own ~ing(=p.p+by oneself)(~에 의해 ~되어진)

    We reap the harvest of our own sowing

    (=We reap the harvest sown by ourselves.)

23. On(Upon) ~ing(=As soon as), (=The moment), (=Directly), (=Hardly had+S+p.p ~when), (No sooner had+S+p.p ~than) (~하자마자)

    Upon hearing the bell ring, we ran out of the classroom.

    (=As soon as we heard the bell ring, we ran out of the classroom.)

    (=The moment we heard the bell ring, we ran out of the classroom.)

    (=Hardly had we heard the bell ring when we ran out of the classroom.)

24. with a view to(of) ~ing

   =for the purpose of ~ing(~할 목적으로)

    He came to this country with a view to studying ethnology.

  * 회화체에서는 ‘with a view to+R'로 쓰는 경우도 있다.

    He got a loan for the purpose of buying a larger apartment.

25. be on the point of ~ing(~하려는 찰나)

  = be on the verge of ~ing

  = be on the brink of ~ing

   (be about to + R)

   As they were on the point of setting out, it began to rain cats and dogs.

   (=As they were about to set out, it began to rain cats and dogs.)

26. make a point of ~ing

  (=make it a point to+R)

  (=make it a rule to+R) (~하는 것을 중요시하다)

   I make a special point of being sociable.

   (= I make it a special point to be sociable.)

   (= I mke it a rule to be sociable.)

27. It goes without saying that S+V

   (= It is needless to say that S+V)

   (= It is a matter of couse that S+V)

   (~는 말할 필요조차 없다)

   It goes without saying that I owe what I am to my father.

   (=It is needless to say that I owe what I am to may father.)


 as…as의 앞의 as는 지시 부사, 뒤의 as는 접속사(관계 부사라고 할 수도 있다). (2) as…as의 부정형은 not so…as가 원칙이지만, 구어에서는 보통 not as…as를 씁니다


 John doesn’t work as hard as George. 존은 조지만큼 공부를 열심히 하지 않는다.

I am not as old as he, I am much older. 나는 그와 동년배가 아니라 훨씬 더 나이가 많다

am always as busy as (I am) now. 나는 항상 지금처럼 바쁘다

She works as hard as anybody. 그녀는 누구 못지 않게 열심히 공부한다

He has as many horses as you(do). 그는 너와 같은 두수의 말을 기르고 있다

Man is not as social as ants or bees. 인간은 개미나 꿀벌만한 군거성을 지니고 있지 않다.

She is as tall as you (are). 그녀는 너만큼 키가 크다

I love you as much as (I love) her. 그녀를 사랑하는 것만큼 나는 너를 사랑하고 있다

It is not so[or isn’t as] hard as you might think. 그것은 네가 생각하는 것만큼 어렵지 않다

It came out the same way as it had done before. 그것은 전과 같은 결과가 되었다

His voice is as thin as he is fat. 그는 뚱뚱한 몸집에 비해 목소리가 가냘프다

He was as popular as his father not. 그는 아버지와는 반대로 인기가 있었다.